Craft Fair Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a document that proves you have considered the potential hazards and risks associated with your craft stall and selling activity.
The Hypertable Craft Fair Risk Assessment project template is designed to help craft fair stallholders and other small business owners generate risk assessments they can submit to event organisers. The assessments included in this project are a guide. You should adapt them to your specific needs for each event. The template includes starter risk assessments for interior and exterior craft fairs.
Getting Started
Estimated time: 5-10 minutes
- View the Example Risk Assessments
- Create a new Risk Assessment by copying an existing assessment
- Edit The Risk Assessment general information
- Edit The Risk Assessment risk items
- Print your Risk Assessment
View the Example Risk Assessments
Select the All Risk Assessment view
Select an example risk assessment and press the Edit symbol on the right-hand side of the line item. Two examples are supplied with the template, one for internal craft events and one for external with a gazebo
View the general information fields and the list of risk items.
Note: we suggest copying the risk assessment example before editing them, see below:
Create a new Risk Assessment by copying an existing assessment
Select the Copy This Risk Assessment view
Locate the Risk assessment you wish to copy from the list. Use the search field at the top to help find and filter previous risk assessments.
Click the Copy This Risk Assessment button field on the listed assessment you wish to copy
This will create a copy of the selected risk assessment including the list of hazards. Once copied, the new risk assessment will open in a detail edit view
Edit The Risk Assessment General Information
Note: A risk assessment is typically required for each activity/event. It is important to consider the risks for each specific event. The copied risk items should only be used as a guide as they may or may not be applicable to your new risk assessment. Also, additional risk items may need t be created.
Enter the Name of the risk assessment. This can be descriptive to aid in locating the assessment later, for example, "Airfield Craft Show - Bassingbourne - Oct 2021"
Enter your name in the Assessor field and the date you are completing the risk assessment in Assessment Date.
Enter your Company Name if you have one. This could also be your trading name.
Enter the type of Work Activity
Enter the Persons at risk, most commonly the Stallholder and General Public
Enter the Event Location and Event Date
Enter any event specific additional notes or instructions in the Additional Notes field
Note: Issue Date is the date you issue a copy of the risk assessment to the event organisers and may be different from the Assessment Date.
Edit The Risk Assessment Risk Item List
Now you have completed the general information, you need to identify the list of risk items, what type of hazard they constitute, who may be harmed and what steps you are taking to reduce the risk. It is common to show a qualitative assessment of the risk level (e.g. low, medium, high) before and after Control Measures are put in place
Print your Risk Assessment
Either press Ctrl+P or select ⋯ More → Print in the menu bar
You are now viewing the Print Layout in your browser.
Before printing, ensure you are showing all the risk item lines of the assessment by adjusting the Rows per page selection at the bottom of the layout view. For example if you have 15 Risk Items identified, ensure you select more than that number on Rows per page
If you wish to add the name and date of who is printing the Risk Assessment at the bottom of page select the "Printed by" footer checkbox at the top of the layout view
Risk assessment are normally printed in landscape format
Click the Print button in the top-right
It may be necessary to adjust your page scaling to fit the risk assessment to your page size. This is normally found in the print settings under More Settings.
Print your Risk Assessment to a Printer or PDF
Next Steps
- Familiarise yourself with types of hazards. Included in the template are example. Click the Example Hazards view to browse them
- Create a new empty risk assessment and complete it
- Read the detail usage guide to understand how to adapt the template for your specific needs
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